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Jihočeský vědeckotechnický park

The South Bohemian Science and Technology Park (JVTP) was established by the South Bohemian Region in 2008 to support the intensity, quality and speed of innovation diffusion and technology transfer into the region’s economic practice. The current composition of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of JVTP, a.s.

The mission and purpose of JVTP is primarily to support entrepreneurship in the region. JVTP provides companies in the new building with facilities in the form of equipped laboratories, offices, conference rooms or technology halls, and at the same time provides the settled companies with everything necessary for their activities. The services of the Science and Technology Park include the preparation of business plans and studies, assistance in the preparation of research and development projects or financial plans. Other services include subsidy consultancy, including framework programmes, assistance in initiating cooperation in the research or application sphere, and monitoring of new scientific knowledge and technological trends. The service also includes assistance in securing intellectual property protection.

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