Prof. Miloš Táborský
He was born in 1962 in Sušice, West Bohemia. He graduated from the grammar school in Strakonice and the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. After graduation, he completed a long-term internship at the First Internal Medicine Clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague under the supervision of Professor Václav Kordač, and he underwent internships abroad in Germany and the USA. After passing the attestation in internal medicine, cardiology or arrhythmology in Prague’s Na Homolka Hospital became his destiny. In 2008 he became an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno and in 2009 he became the head of the First Internal Medicine Clinic – Cardiology at the University Hospital Olomouc and the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc. Since 2015 he has been the chairman of the Czech Society of Cardiology. Among his greatest professional achievements is the introduction of cardiac resynchronization therapy in the Czech Republic, he is the author of a number of scientific papers and textbooks. He lives in Slavkov u Brna, besides cardiology his great hobby is architecture, but also winemaking and gastronomy. He is an enthusiastic cynologist and has a ten-year-old Weimaraner, Argo.