Vojtěch Kotecký
Vojtěch Kotecký works at Charles University’s Centre for Environmental Issues (CEI UK), where he is in charge of an emerging programme that works with businesses and public administrations to create and implement eco-innovations. He is also a regular contributor to Czech newspapers and other media. For more than two decades, he worked at Hnutí DUHA, a Czech environmental organisation, where he was Programme Director from 2004-2014. He also served for ten years as a member of the Government Council for Sustainable Development, is Vice-Chairman of the Climate Commission of the Government Council for Science, Research and Innovation, a member of the Council of the Czech Nature and Landscape Protection Agency and the Council of the Czech Switzerland National Park. He received the Minister of the Environment Award for “significant contribution to the promotion of factual and professionalism in the public debate on environmental protection”. Vojtěch Kotecký studied systematic biology and ecology at the Faculty of Science of Charles University and received his PhD in environmental studies at the COŽP UK.