Our 2024 priorities?


Jiří Cimpel

CEO, Cimpel & partneři
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Michal Skořepa

Economist, Česká spořitelna and Chairman of the Committee on Budget Forecasts
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Zdeněk Tůma

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Nora Szeles

CEO, Tokeportal.com
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Hyun Park

Former Head of Global Offering Management, Nokia
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Dr. Kim J. Zietlow

Deputy Head of Business and Talent Attraction, InvestHK
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Eric Sim

CFA Author, ‘Small Actions’ Founder, Institute of Life
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Jakub Pavlík

Co-Founder & CEO, Veriteus
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Saul Singer

Co-Author, The Genius of Israel: The Surprising Resilience of a Divided Nation in a Turbulent World
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Robin Bienfait

CEO/Founder of Atlanta Tech Park - Tachles VC - CEO Emnovate
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Josef “Joska” Šálek

Držitel 3 Guinnessovych rekordů ve Fyzicky náročných disciplínách
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františek knobloch

František Knobloch

Zakladatel, all4longevity
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